by Jim » Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:53 pm
If you make other changes to that particular page and republish does the page change? My guess is that this is an orphan page that is not being generated by ShopSite any longer because you changed the page name. Do you have a page with the filename of AllNatural&OrganicCandleWaxes.html ? If not you should remove the page using server access if you have it. If you don't have server access you can create a page in ShopSite that has AllNatural&OrganicCandleWaxes.html as the filename (not title or page name) and then delete that page and answer yes when asked if you really want to delete the page.
Note that you should not use the & character in a file name because it is a reserved token for URL's and has special meaning which may cause your page to not be displayed properly in all browsers.