by loren_d_c » Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:55 pm
1) This may be new, but yes it appears to be normal. If you charge tax at all, it looks like Google is putting an 'Estimated Tax' field on their initial screen using your tax rate (and who knows which one they would choose if you had multiple tax rates enabled, maybe they would choose the first one or maybe an average of the rates). This is not specific to ShopSite. I tried this on, and when I go to the Google Checkout cart it gave an 'Estimated Tax', but after I logged into my Google Checkout account, it changed the tax amount to 0.00 to reflect the actually tax that would be charged for my saved Google Checkout account address.
2) Rates coming from a Custom Shipping Add-on module will not be available in Google Checkout. You don't have to disable it your add-on modules (unless your ShopSite is older than v8.3), they can still be used for the non-Google Checkout orders. Note that if the Custom Shipping Add-on is the only shipping method that your ShopSite is configured for, then your Google Checkout orders will not have any shipping charged. You will either have to adjust the order amount in Google Checkout after the fact to add the shipping charges, or configure one of the other shipping options in ShopSite that can be passed through to Google Checkout.