shopping cart page(s) -

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shopping cart page(s) -

Postby 8900200 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:42 am

Hello - I have a site that uses a custom shopping cart template. That all works fine but I can't recall(it's been over a year since we set this up) how the template code gets inserted into the final page. I've need to update some links on the final output page but I can't remember what tells ShopSite to pull together the template code and the shell (for lack of a better term) page. Where is the shell page stored?

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Postby Jim » Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:05 am

If you created the template then you should be able to edit it under Merchandising > Custom Templates.

Some text fields that are displayed on the pages are also found under Commerce Setup > Order System and then Shopping cart, Checkout, etc. There may also be text on the Preference > Store Text screens.
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Postby 8900200 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:15 am

Hi Jim - Thanks, but I know how to edit the template code, I am trying to find the code for the page that the template code gets placed into. I know it sounds strange that I don't know where this is... I have a fancy left nav on my shopping cart pages that is in a separate HTML page somewhere.

You have the template code that just has the 5 versions of tags and tables for the various pages in the checkout process. But there is an overall HTML page somewhere that these get placed in. Where is that stored?

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Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:12 pm

Postby Jim » Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:10 pm

The template defines the entire layout of the shopping cart screens. In the shopping cart template are at least 5 sections, each corresponding to a particular screen of the checkout process.

Within the template are tags that cause data to be displayed from either the shopsite database, text areas or separate include files.

The overall process is controlled by various cgi which are compiled C code. There is no separate "overall HTML page" other than the template.
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