One Time Use Coupon

General ShopSite user discussion

One Time Use Coupon

Postby coffeeman » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:04 am

Is there a way to limit a particular customer's use of a coupon to a one time use? "One Time" in Shopsite means only one person can use the coupon and nobody else ever. I discovered this the bad way during an email campaign.
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Postby Jim » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:14 am

No there is no way to limit a coupon so a particular shopper can only use it once. As you mentioned the One Time coupon is just that, it can only be used once.

You can limit the number of coupons that can be used on a particular order to just one, but if the shopper places multiple orders they could use the coupon several times. Setting a short expiration time would be one way to limit the use of a coupon so that it couldn't be reused over an extended period of time.
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One Time Use Coupons

Postby coffeeman » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:22 am

Or just try to control manually. Stipulate in the email or the site that the coupon is one time use and even if it is entered in a subsequent order that our back office will reverse it. Tricky and time consuming. Could piss off a customer. Is it too hard to program one time per customer in Shopsite?
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Postby Jim » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:46 am

How do you know it is the same customer? I have probably 20 different email addresses (and can get a new one at any time from google or yahoo) and could concoct that many different addresses from my address (by adding spaces, using abbreviations, etc). So even if you require a customer to register they could register as many different shoppers.
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One Time Use Coupon

Postby coffeeman » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:05 am

I don't know how you could program it in Shopsite. In our accounting program, we cross check shipping address, phone number, credit card used, etc. to identify people who misuse new customer free shipping option. Yes, if some is extemely determined and wants to put a lot time into saving $5 or $10 or whatever, we can be fooled. Our staff is pretty sharp on catching these things though. I believe the tricksters have no material impact on our operation.
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One Time use

Postby ScubaDiver » Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:49 pm

We're using Shopsite Pro v 9

I am partnering with another site for a charity promotion. Visitors to the partner site can purchase a "coupon" or "gift certificate" for $50 and get $100 worth of merchandise on my site. When the "coupon" or "gift certificate"is purchased, it will come with a unique code.

I'd like for my customer to be able to type in this code on my site and get their $100 of goods using this "coupon" or "gift certificate" code. The goal is to make it so this can only be used once, othewise the program doesn't work.

Any ideas on how to do this?

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Postby ScubaDiver » Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:42 am

I now have a second client who needs the same capability.

Whatever it's called, gift certificate, coupon, etc. I need the ability for someone to purchase an item at either a significant discount or get one free using a specific code (I'm open to other suggestions if anyone has one). This code, coupon, certificate, whatever, can only be used one time. I can't have it shared or given to someone else.

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