Hi there. I have searched and searched to find a basic, affordable design template for sale. The ShopSite approved merchants are way beyond my budget. I find others out there (templatemonster for example), but they only seem to offer os or php based templates for ecommerce (?).
I am building an ASP site,using Dreamweaver CS3, have a shared Windows server hosting account. So- do I have to buy an ASP labelled design template, or can I find something in the $150-$300 range and just use parts of it (ie, strip out php code, etc.)
To me, the interface of ShopSite is too labor intensive and repetitive (constantly looking for ways to speed up my site build- I have to build a site serving 3500 skus)
Point is- seems like I can work my way around the product by product Back Office setup, but must have my design established and go through ShopSite's basic "set up your pages" structure first- right?
ACK. This is so counter intuitive and backwards to how I have built sites in the past.
ANY help, suggestions on how I could get through the design aspect first is greatly appreciated= links, suppliers, etc. I don't have time to design the site from scratch as well and would never use the ShopSite built in design templates- looking to buy a design, and redo it in our corporate HEX color guide, etc.