Can I cross-sell a page?

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Can I cross-sell a page?

Postby flicman » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:35 am

I've got lots of shoe paints online, and to get the best results, you need Preparer, Deglazer and Finisher at least. You also (sort-of obviously) need brushes. Thing is, I'd like to make the whole line of brushes available, but we've got like 50 brushes. With 50 brushes and 6 or 8 deglazer/preparer bottles total, there's a pretty good chance that a novice painter won't see the products that they need in the cross-sell section in the cart.

What I'd like to do is to be able to link to a page in the cross-sell section. Ideally, this page (or these pages) don't rotate with the related products, either. Like, I'd like to have a link to any related pages (paint brushes, in this case) appear if I've assigned them, maybe even with a user-selected image (a representative image for the category, if you will), and then beneath this, the four rotating related products.

I hope I'm making sense. I'm pretty sure I could write this myself, but I don't think the all the necessary code is available to me. Maybe I'm wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Postby Jim » Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:03 pm

Global cross-sell is only enabled in the shopping cart screen. There is no way to use in on product pages.

Product cross-sell is enabled on the shopping cart screen and on a product's more-information page. It can not be used on regular store pages.

To see the code for how global and product cross-sell are used in the shopping cart template you can edit one of the following files, tabbed_sc.sst, sc_default, gradient1-sc.sst, etc. To see how it is used on a product more information page see ModernProductTemplate.sst
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Postby flicman » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:28 am

I understand that, and I'm only interested in the Cart cross-sell at the moment. I've enabled it and everything is working great. What I'd like to do is add a page as a cross-sell item. Rather than adding 50 individual brushes, I'd like to add a link to the "Brushes" page instead. I grabbed a screenshot of the cart here and you can see that the "related items" are all brushes even though there are also Finishers, etc., as related products.


That's a quick photoshop of what I'd like to be doing in the cart. You can see this all in action at if you add an Angelus Paint to your cart (Dyes & Paints -> Angelus Leather Paint -> Angelus Acrylic Leather Paint, then just add any paint).

Thanks for your help!
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Postby Jim » Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:10 pm

Add the links to the text describing the cross sell section of your template (Merchandising > Cross Sell > Header). Maybe something like
Code: Select all
Make sure you have everything
       <td> insert your link here</td>
       <td>another link inserted here></td>

This wouldn't be automatically be updated based on the product added to the cart but it would allow you to add links to other pages. NOte that you could also add this type of link directly to the define cross sell sections of your template.
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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:29 pm

You could probably create some special Products that are really 'category' products, and use them only for cross-sell purposes. You could put the URL of the page you want these to link to in one of the product Extra Fields, and in the section of your cart template where you define how the cross-sell use the contents of this field to generate the link instead of the regular tag that creates the product link.

If you will also be using regular products as cross-sell, then you would probably need to dedicate the Extra Field for this purpose across all products (i.e. in regular products you would not put anything in this field at all), then you could use an IF in your cross-sell define to check for content in this field and if there is anything found then treat it as one of the special 'category' products, otherwise it is a regular cross-sell product.

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cross-sell pages

Postby MgmtSpec » Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:33 pm


If I understand correct...make a custom product template.

1) In the DEFINE MORE INFO strip out all but:
Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
Header( "Location:" );

You could opt for a meta redirect but the above is SEO safe....if your site supports PHP

2) Make a screen grab of the cross sell page

3) Create "product" of your cross sell page - use your screen grab as image and and the more info filename with a .php
Be sure you have enabled more info link for cross sell.

They click the link it redirects to the real cross sell page of items...

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