I've got lots of shoe paints online, and to get the best results, you need Preparer, Deglazer and Finisher at least. You also (sort-of obviously) need brushes. Thing is, I'd like to make the whole line of brushes available, but we've got like 50 brushes. With 50 brushes and 6 or 8 deglazer/preparer bottles total, there's a pretty good chance that a novice painter won't see the products that they need in the cross-sell section in the cart.
What I'd like to do is to be able to link to a page in the cross-sell section. Ideally, this page (or these pages) don't rotate with the related products, either. Like, I'd like to have a link to any related pages (paint brushes, in this case) appear if I've assigned them, maybe even with a user-selected image (a representative image for the category, if you will), and then beneath this, the four rotating related products.
I hope I'm making sense. I'm pretty sure I could write this myself, but I don't think the all the necessary code is available to me. Maybe I'm wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.