Discount for multiple items with separate SKU's

General ShopSite user discussion

Discount for multiple items with separate SKU's

Postby kenobx » Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:57 am

Hello, I need to be able to sell multiple similar items with separate SKU's with a discount. For instance, 8 varieties of bottled syrup, separate SKU's on each, $8.50 ea, any 2 for $15.50, any 3 for $21. How can I set up the product pages for this using separate SKU's? Is there a rule I could put in? I know I can set up for multiple purchase of the same item, but what about different SKU's and get the discount? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Ken
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Location: North Carolina

Postby Jim » Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:14 am

This ability was added to ShopSite 9 Pro level stores. You can create "Quantity Pricing Group"s for each product using quantity pricing. If different products are assign to the same group then items will receive the quantity price based on the total number of items in that group.
So if your store isn't at ShopSite 9 or at the Pro level you would need to upgrade to get the functionality.
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