Page index on Home Page

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Page index on Home Page

Postby Balloons4u2 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:31 pm

I am sorry that this is probably a simple question but I am a newby and have spent most of the afternoon trying to fix this problem. On my home page(the first page that was created) there is an index box of all the pages on the sight. My problems are this: 1. I have 24 pages or categories to show and it is only showing part of them. How can I get it to show all pages?
2. This is probably a simple one but it has me baffled. How do I get all the pages listed in this index box to change color when I run my mouse over them?
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Joined: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:20 pm

Postby Jim » Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:47 pm

What is the url to the page you are referring to?

To assign pages to another page in your ShopSite backoffice click on the Pages button, select the page you want to add links on and click the Assign Items button. Then choose Pages and then the pages that you want to have links to. Do this for all pages in your store and you should have what you are looking for.

I assume you are referring to link colors? These are probably set by a style sheet associated with the page template that you are using. In some cases you can change the colors on the Pages > Edit Page Layout screen but in other cases you would need to modify the template.
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Thank you very much!

Postby Balloons4u2 » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:30 am

One of the problems has been fixed using your information and I truly appreciate your help.
The second problem has changed and I do not know how it changed.
On my Home page (not live yet) In the sight index box, just below the search box; it lists all of the other pages on the sight now,thanks to help, but when you run your mouse over the pages available only about half of them will change color, the links are in place and the page name can be clicked and you will go to that page but only about half of them will change color when you run your mouse over them. I do not know if I did anything to get the ones that do change to change. If I did, I do not know what I did. I am afraid this may confuse a potential customer.
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Postby tfoy » Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:16 am

the Link, Visited and Hover colors are most likely set from a linked .css file in your page template.

In Shopsite : Merchandising : Custom Templates : Page/Product under the page template is where your page template for your site is located.

You have to edit the template and see which .css file is being used.

It will be above the </head> tag and might look something like this [-- INCLUDE Sidebar.css PROCESS --]

that is the file you need to modify to set your link, visited, Hover colors for your links and pretty much your site.
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Thanks againbut,

Postby Balloons4u2 » Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:34 am

You are speaking of a problem with the template but why are some of the link colors changing and the others are not? It seems to me that something is not set right in the area that I am able to change and not the advanced edits that require knowing the programming language. I stay clear of that!
Hey, while you are here. Last not when I quit, I am filling in my products and pages, sight publish and sight view were working fine; that is when I finished some work and published the sight I could view my sight to see how it was looking. This morning I get a message that says that the url is unavailable. Also, all of my images are not working. Any ideas?
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Joined: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:20 pm

Postby Jim » Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:52 am

There are several states that a link can be in, (link, vlink, alink). Your browser keeps track of the state a link is in to know if you have your mouse over it, or have previously visited the link or not. If the color set for a particular type of link is the same as another then the color won't change for that state. For example the link starts out as one color and changes to another when you have visited but doesn't change back to the original color again after you go back to the original page. Using a style you can also have a hover option on the alink so that when the cursor is over it it changes color.

You might want to do a web search for-- css html link color -- and read up some more on this. Here is one reference

As far as not being able to see your pages you will need to contact your host to find out what the problem is.
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