changing more info page name

General ShopSite user discussion

changing more info page name

Postby DavidM » Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:52 pm

I made the unfortunate error of creating more info pages with the wrong brand name on them (2000 times).
I corrected the brand names in Excel and uploaded to the database. Now there is the old wrongly named page and a new correctly named page. Only the new correctly named pages are being updated when I alter my data ie. prices, descriptions, template updates like new menu items etc. I can see the bad pages in ftp... so do I just delete them manually in ftp?
If I do a regenerate then all my good pages have a new date and the bad pages have an old date.

Any other ideas on this? Will I ruin something if I just delete the html pages? I know there may be some broken links in search engines but those bad pages gotta go!

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Postby Jim » Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:37 pm

Yes just delete the pages through ftp.
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Postby DavidM » Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:06 am

Ok. Thank you Jim!
So I suppose this is something else to remember if an item with a more info page gets obsoleted or the more info page name needs to be altered? Is there any way to avoid the duplicate pages or dead (obsolete item) pages? It's very bad to have pages that are not getting updated but still findable in search engines.
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Postby DavidM » Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:15 am

Sorry, another question...
If I delete a good page by accident will a regeneration re-create a missing product page or other site generated page?
Posts: 16
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Postby Jim » Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:09 am

If you delete a product then you are given the option to delete that products moreinfo page as well. So under normal circumstances when you remove a product from the store the moreinformation page would be deleted as well.

However, if you change the file name of the moreinformation page the old file will not be removed so you would have to remove it manually by ftp.

All ShopSite generated pages can be rebuilt by publishing your store. So if all the pages in your store are generated by ShopSite you can delete all the pages in your output directory by ftp and they will be recreated by ShopSite at the next full publish. However if you have pages that were created outside of ShopSite those would not be recreated by a publish so you should be careful not to remove them by ftp.
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