Order Refunds

General ShopSite user discussion

Order Refunds

Postby CarolA » Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:02 am

Our ShopSite store is live. We already had an authorize.net account for our brick and mortar stores, so we set up ShopSite to communicate directly with Authorize.net. Thus, ShopSite is our interface to our payment gateway.

It's sending through orders just fine, we see where we flag as shipped, but how do we do refunds? Is there no capability in ShopSite? Do we just use the authorize.net virtual terminal for everything else?

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Postby Jim » Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:27 am

As you said, you "just use the authorize.net virtual terminal for everything else". There is no refund option built into ShopSite, only billing.
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Postby CarolA » Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:34 am

Thanks Jim. Our order fulfillment person says the virtual terminal is not very user friendly, but it does work. Unfortunately, for a partial refund, it requires that we save the cc# in ShopSite, get that first, then go to the virtual terminal. With our old payment gateway interface, we just looked up the order, entered the amount of the partial refund, and clicked submit. The employee didn't have access to, or need the cc#.

Eventually we want to integrate our ShopSite orders with Mail Order Manager which we use for our brick and mortar stores. Once we do that, this will all be easier.
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Postby shopsiteandy » Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:32 am

You don't need to use the Virtual Terminal to do a refund in Authorize.net. Here is how you can do a partial or full refund from within the Authorize.net site, without needing the credit card number:

Search for the transaction (under "Search" in the left-hand column). When the results come up, click on the "Transaction ID" number of the transaction you want to refund. That will bring up the details page. Near the top there should be a button labeled "Refund", which will bring up a refund window. You can specify the amount to refund (up to the original transaction amount) and you do not need the credit card number to do so.

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Postby CarolA » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:25 pm

This is wonderful Andy - thank you! I've forwarded this information to the order fulfillment person.
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