Is VAR about assigned page to product template possible?

General ShopSite user discussion

Is VAR about assigned page to product template possible?

Postby tricianeill » Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:39 pm

Developing a site with 5 different categories, each with different category menus (using LOOP LINKS in their page templates) according to their subject matter:
You can see an example of a product and click it to see the more info page here:

In the product template - I would like to make the MORE INFO section carry over the menus depending on what type of page the product is assigned to. This would be easy (ie. using HTML to just generate a static group of links, and assigning different product templates accordingly), if a product was only assigned to one category.....but unfortunately - many of the products are assigned to a few...It seems like I could use some kind of VAR to change that section depending on the page the product was assigned to - but I can't figure out how.

Has anyone ever tried to do this? And if so, can you give me some direction on how to accomplish it in the templates. Your help will be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you.
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:58 am

Postby Jim » Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:47 pm

A moreinfo page will only be generated once during a publish and there will only be one moreinfo page per product. The page will be a static html page so there is no way to have the moreinfo page look different depending on what page the product is assigned to.
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