by Nfiniti99 » Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:45 pm
I'm designing my site/store (using Shopsite Pro) and trying to upload a large amount of files (Images) to add as products (items) on the site. I want to add them to my Media directory. The problem I'm having is whenever I click on the Hosting Services button in Preferences so that I may see the information I need to connect and upload these images, I get a message that says "This area has been disabled for security reasons." I've contacted my hosting provider on this issue, but they were no help at all, admitting that Shopsite , is third-party software and they don't have alot of knowledge on it. How do I go about uploading all of these images (about 500 of them) directly into the Media directory? I've checked my file manager and can't seem to find where the Shopsite files are stored. Help!!!