Having issues with custom template/css and displaying data

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Having issues with custom template/css and displaying data

Postby tbuck » Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:46 pm

I have a shopsite that I have the left menu and the top menu in tables that was sliced using fireworks and put together using dreamweaver. I talked to a tech support person at shopsite, and they said to just insert this code directly into my custom template that I created in dreamweaver:

<div class="products">
<table class="products">
<tr class="products_header">
<td class="products_header"><table class="page_content">
[-- IF PAGE.DisplayGraphic "checked" --]
[-- IF PAGE.Graphic --]
<td class="page_image"><img class="page_image" [-- PAGE.Graphic REMOVE_HTML --] alt="[-- IMAGE Page.Graphic --]"></td>
[-- ELSE --]
<td class="page_image"></td>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PAGE.DisplayName "checked" --]
<td class="page_name">[-- PAGE.Name --]</td>
[-- ELSE --]
<td class="page_name"></td>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- IF PAGE.DisplayName "checked" --]
<td colspan="2" class="page_name">[-- PAGE.Name --]</td>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
<td colspan="2" class="page_text1">[-- PAGE.Text1 --]</td>
<tr class="prev_next">
<td class="prev_next">[-- PrevNext --]</td>
<p style="padding-left : 2em;">
<td class="page_products"><table class="page_products">
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS VAR.pr_cols --]
<td class="products_content">[-- PRODUCT --]</td>
[-- VAR.define "page" --]
<tr class="prev_next">
<td class="prev_next">[-- PrevNext --]</td>
<tr class="page_text2">
<td class="page_text2">[-- PAGE.Text2 --]</td>
[-- IF PAGE.DisplayPageFooter "checked" --]
<tr class="products_footer">
<td class="products_footer">[-- FOOTER --]</td>
[-- END_IF --]
<tr class="page_text3">
<td class="page_text3">[-- PAGE.Text3 --]</td>

But the issue is since the page is all tables, if I put this table in it, it makes all of my graphics crazy looking. So I decided to just do a css layer where the open space was, and put this code in the layer. But the text is now being displayed below my images. Can anybody help?

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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:41 pm

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