Trying to create a non-sale item

General ShopSite user discussion

Trying to create a non-sale item

Postby kinger » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:12 pm

I am trying to create some items that are not for sale and are just shown for information. We can can not sell certain items due to dealer agreements, but I would like to include them on the website.

I have un-checked the toggle "Check here to display this product's price" on the product layout page, but the price still shows.

My ex-employee set up some items that are working properly, and I have noticed that those items do not display any price in the "Edit Product Info, price cell".

My question is this: Does any one know how to have the price cell be blank? If I blank it out, then save, the next time I edit the product the price shows as "0.00"
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Postby Jim » Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:52 am

The best way to display items with no price information is to use a custom template that doesn't display the price. Check the products that your ex-employee has working correctly to see what product template is being used (Edit Product Layout screen).
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Postby utz119 » Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:46 am

I placed the "Add to Cart" button between the

[-- PRODUCT.OptionText --]

[-- END_IF --]

When " Display Ordering Options:" in the Edit Product Layout
is unchecked, the "Add to Cart" button doesn't displayed.
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