I am trying to pass the cart from one session to another one.
Why ? Because when the customer is calling I want my customer service rep to get his cart automatically
I am storing the value of the shopsite cookie ss_cart_0001141555 in a database.
The value is stored properly (getcookie + insert into db)
1) But I can't set the cookie back to another session properly for some reasons.
In php I used different things :
setcookie('ss_cart_0001141555',$mycart,time() + 3600, '/', 'domain.com', 0);
setcookie('ss_cart_0001141555',rawurlencode($mycart),time() + 3600, '/', 'domain.com', 0);
setrawcookie('ss_cart_0001141555',rawurlencode($mycart),time() + 3600, '/', 'domain.com', 0);
But the value get all kind of %20 ...
2) I get 2 cookies with the same name
I get 2 'ss_cart_0001141555' cookies (one from the cart and mine) The only difference when I look at the cookies in firefox is host : domain.com and domain : domain.com
Any clues ?
Thank You