code for entering note next to item

General ShopSite user discussion

code for entering note next to item

Postby sandybox » Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:09 am


i'm using shopsite starter and have learned that to customize i need to edit the code which i am willing to do, here is my question:

i have one product (men's t-shirts) and i have placed the code for the add cart and view cart buttons on my site, is there a way for me to embed in the code an item number/name from where the customer clicked add to cart?

for example, please see my site and click on men's t-shirts and then bruce lee, when a person clicks add to cart, i want the words"bruce lee" to appear in the shopping cart in any colum next to the item, is this possible?

appreciate any help!
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:59 am

Postby Jim » Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:59 pm

There is no way to do what your are wanting to do in a Starter level store.
ShopSite starter version has limited capabilities such as a limit of 15 products. Checking your store it looks like you are trying to have about 50 products. So the best solution would be to upgrade to a Manager or Pro level store so that you can have more products and more options.
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