I am working on placing testimonials onto a page based on a "code" I put into PAGE.Field10, and it's not happening.
The idea is to put the testimonial that is relevant to the product line into an INCLUDE file, and place it onto the correct page.
The background graphic is coming thru fine, but not the testimonial.
One issue: I am using nested INCLUDES, but it's not working, even with the PROCESS tag put in. Is it possible to nest INCLUDES? Or do I have a syntax issue?
Any help mucho appreciated.
This is code I've got so far.
<!-- ## DISPLAY BANNER ## -->
[-- IF PAGE.Field10 --]
<tr><td colspan="2" width="600" height="200" align="right" valign="center"
background="media/Banners/[-- PAGE.Field10 --]Banner.jpg">
[-- INCLUDE Test_[-- PAGE.Field10 --] --]
[-- END_IF --]